365 Days of Adventure!

Come celebrate all my firsts with me! everyday entries from me and my mom and sometimes my older pug dog brothers, happy and buster. we a happy family! :)
documenting my babyhood

Watch out for all my developmental milestones!

My name is Emilio, and this is me, couple of months ago. My very first photo ever! My momma and I will be documenting my life here on blogger. Come celebrate all my firsts with me!
Much Love!

This is my back up for Tumblr Blog

“the happiest baby on the block”
July 2011 August 2011

August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 || 3:48 PM

7 am. you’re still sound asleep. you’ll prolly wake around 9. 9 am is poopoo time for you.

LOL @ your mohawk!

August 23, 2011
|| 3:47 PM

asleep on your bouncer, that spot on your cheek, thats actually a rash, was a rash, we put ointment on that spot and it looked like it burned your skin. i hope that doesnt scar you forever. :(

Monday, August 22, 2011 || 1:55 PM

mom made 2 back ups for this blog. she’s scared of losing pics AGAIN, this is the 3rd time mom changed laptops. She lost all her photos when her computer bugged down for the Nth time. 
I am also on tumblr, flickr, photobucket and picasa. mom is paranoid! LOL

|| 1:50 PM

this is how high def moms camera is. she loves it, compared to the old lumix, she just needs to learn how to set the f-stop and all that shiz cos she wants that bokeh effect. if anyone out there can help her learn it, you can email her via thebagbar.online@gmail.com! thanks!!!
*photo on auto mode. b/w. no flash. no editing.

|| 1:49 PM

August 22 - 23, 2011
thats me, unretouched, no editing whatsoever. no flash too, and in a low light condition.
mom got her nikon today, and that was her first test shot, she's beaming with excitement. she said i won't go blind anymore! her camera shoots great without flash even in the darkest rooms! experimented with all the settings, her first time to go all manual, she took lots of photos of me, then moved to shooting my bottles, my feet, the tissue paper, her old camera and the dust underneath our bed. she's gone crazy.
now she can't sleep... cos our ipad2 is arriving today, via Air21, c/o Tita Ciara. she's so excitedddddddd! i dont know what the fuss is all about...

mommy said she can’t get any luckier! she said waking up to this every morning is such an indulgence! she doesn’t know i feel very lucky too to have her as my mom. we are both lucked out! -E
Saturday, August 20, 2011 || 10:33 PM


|| 1:06 PM

August 21, 2011

After my birthday dinner, you went back to sleep. actually you fell asleep on your wowas lap while we were all eating.


cos your momma is bored :) August Compilation
|| 10:48 AM


|| 10:12 AM

When you have a son you worry about 1 penis, when you have a daughter you worry about them all. So Thank God mine’s a boy :)


|| 10:00 AM


|| 9:39 AM

August 20, 2011

Can’t choose from your photos. so i uploaded them all.

(click the arrows;left or right- to view the whole photo set)


Dear Emilio, You constantly remind me of who I am, and who I want to be.
Thursday, August 18, 2011 || 10:09 AM

Dear Emilio,

You constantly remind me of who I am, and who I want to be.


|| 9:53 AM

your first pair of topsiders <3

isn’t it just the cutest?

August 19, 2011


Wednesday, August 17, 2011 || 9:48 PM


The Truth about Aceite the Manzanilla and Albolaryo’s hilot.

Mom took Emilio to an Albularyo (filipino semi-witch doctor) thinking Emilio has “pilay”… She was very very sneaky, she took Emilio WHILE I WAS SLEEPING!

(BACK TRACK) When i gave birth to emilio the resident pedia of the hospital suggested that i use Nan HW One if i decide to go with formula feeding. This costs 938 pesos per 900g can, Emilio consumes one can per week. So after a while I asked the same pedia if I can switch to something less expensive. I saw that Enfalac makes refill boxes which costs 1,300 something. Each box has two 900 gram packs. One of the reasons Nan HW one is expensive is cos they dont make refill packs, you have to buy it in can. 

Long story short, Emilio has sensitive digestion, He does not do well with the regular Enfalac, New pedia asked me to switch back to  Nan HW one or try Enfalac Lactose Free. 

So we are back to 938 pesos a week. BUT it does seem like he is less irritable now. and his poop has a nice consistency versus his poop when he was using the regular enfalac. plus now, he sleeps longer hours, once we put him to sleep at night he wont wake up till 7 in the morning. 

So it was the milk all along, NOT PILAY, NOT EVIL SPIRITS.

So science beats Old wives tale. Take your feather somehwere else Mr. Albolaryo. LOL.

JA= 1, Wowa= 0

Aceite de Manzanilla…my mom is a sucker for things like these. She bought Emilio tons of Aceite de manzanilla, with good intentions of course. What is this you ask? it is kind of an oil that contains menthol or camphor, to rub on the LO’s back and stomach supposedly to help ease colic or what we filipinos call kabag. I just learned that this is not good for babies, first of all, it can burn the skin, remember that a baby’s skin is ultra sensitive, plus i have read that anything with camphor is a no no for babies, camphor can lead to liver complications. for infants— doctors do not recommend using anything with camphot, ie: Vicks vaporub, Aceite De Manzanilla. This is toxic for babies!

After making my mom read tons and tons of info regarding this, she finally stopped using the oil. I asked Emilio’s new pedia what we can do about his crying. 

1. You have to burp the baby EVERY SINGLE FEEDING. 

2. Usually they cry cos they are uncomfortable, Check if hungry, check diaper, or they may be just tired. Babies are cranky when they are sleepy. 

3. They just need to be cradled.

These seem like practical knowledge but the truth is sometimes parents panic and forget to use their common sense. 

So Aceite de Manzanilla, this is your new home from now on… the trash bin.

JA= 2, Wowa= 0

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|| 8:53 PM

August 18, 2011

You are learning to entertain yourself. Mr.  Independent Baby, good job!


|| 6:29 AM

Today is August 17, 2011


I have to be honest with you. I love you so so so so much, but sometimes you really test my patience. its really really hard to put you to sleep at night. around 6-8 pm, you get really really annoying hahaha! you wont stop crying. I know you’re tired, and at this stage you cant put yourself to sleep yet, but Please, cant you move your tantrums around 3-5pm, cos mommy has work by 6pm. I cant keep on carrying and lulling you to sleep and be sending mails at the same time.




|| 6:07 AM

do you think i’m a bad mommy cos i totally lost track of the date and wasnt able to prepare for your 2nd month mini party?

so instead we decided to just eat out, BUT, it started to rain, so we stayed in. kagulo noh? we just ordered pizza and your wowa made spaghetti in 20 mins. hahahahhaa.

 Today is August 16, 2011

(click the arrows;left or right- to view the whole photo set)


Happy 2 Months Baby Love :)
Monday, August 15, 2011 || 9:23 AM


|| 1:45 AM

Today is August 15, 2011

This is me and mommy. our camera sucks, she says. Thats why she ordered a new one online and will arrive just in time for her birthday! :)

she also bought an ipad2 for the both of us. we can download books and games for me there! we are so excited :)


Sunday, August 14, 2011 || 12:47 AM


|| 12:46 AM

wowa me and yaya


|| 12:45 AM

Today is August 14, 2011

We are going to Mass today and do groceries after.

This is my outfit for today!



|| 12:43 AM

Today is August 13, 2011

Mommy and wowa is still arguing about breastfeeding. Cos mommy stopped cos she’s dieting, and she’s taking supplements that she doesnt want to be passed on to me thru her milk. Wowa wants her to mix feed at least.

Like, whatever. More milk for me. :)


Thursday, August 11, 2011 || 10:27 AM

August 12, 2011

I love being read to.

This is 4 in the morning, I keep the household awake. Yes, I am Boss!


|| 10:25 AM

August 11, 2011

Mom and Wowa said I answer back with coos and gurgles when they talk to me. :)


August 10 Video
|| 2:05 AM


Wednesday, August 10, 2011 || 2:10 PM

August 10, 2011

This is the first time i sucked on my wabbanub pacifier.

no biggie… but mom says its a milestone!



Monday, August 8, 2011 || 4:40 AM

August 9, 2011

mom got me an ocean play mat from fisherprice. she got it online at a discounted price :)

i played a little and then fell asleep. i tire easily!


Sunday, August 7, 2011 || 4:41 AM

August 8, 2011

Mornings with Wowa and Mom :p


Saturday, August 6, 2011 || 1:51 PM


|| 1:50 PM

August 7, 2011

this is me after my bath. mommy can’t sleep cos she made a boo boo at work, so she and wowa gave me a bath instead. 

mommy is sad indeed. she takes her work seriously and she loves her job. plus she says she can’t afford not to be employed cos she has me and my 2 pug brothers to look after. so pls god, help mommy be the best mailer ever.



|| 9:16 AM

August 6, 2011

Today is wowo’s birthday. He had this big celebration at Segara (subic). Wowa, mommy and i did not attend. We are all sick and mommy pleaded that we just stay at home. Wowo was disappointed but in the end caved in. We three had to rest to get well asap.

This is me, sleeping. after switching back to nan hw one, mom says i’ve been very good. did not cry at all today. she retracts what she said about me being colicky. it wasn’t colic at all. i was grumpy cos i was having stomach upsets from enfalac…


Friday, August 5, 2011 || 12:17 AM

Mitzi DicoTiny Ones: thanks for your gift!!! so cute!!! fits emilio already! :) (emilio @ 1 month and 20 days)


Thursday, August 4, 2011 || 7:58 PM

baby’s milk is only good for 4-5 hours so we stick labels sa bottles so we don’t forget at sempre, mas maganda pa ang sulat ng yaya kesa sa sulat ko. :S sosyal! yung akin parang kinayod lang ng manok.


|| 7:42 AM

Today is August 5, 2011

mom is sick.

she can’t talk. her throat is sore.

her ears and nose - congested. very.

her eyes are watery and heavy.

her mouth is dry.

to top it all she has a head ache.

she is cranky today, she won’t hold me. she’s afraid of spreading the virus.

all hands on deck. except hers.

wowa will overtime today. 


Wednesday, August 3, 2011 || 11:37 PM

Today is August 4, 2011

Hello Colicky baby this is your mother. I dont know what to do with you. You just cry and cry for no reason. why Emilio? what is wrong?

I took a break from your shrieks. Your wowa is taking over. I have work baby, plus i think i’m coming down with the flu.

Pls cooperate. I love you.



This is a photo of your hand. ayaw mo magpapicture.


ITS MAGIC (my mother singing to Emilio)
|| 3:34 AM



Tuesday, August 2, 2011 || 10:23 PM

I got bad news. I may have asthma. This is me and my new doctor. He wants mom to monitor me if it is indeed asthma, he also wants my milk switched back to Nan HW also, or Enfalac Lactose Free.

Mom’s Assignment: monitor my wheezing, she says it may be just allergies… 

This is a very very sad day.



|| 10:17 PM

August 3, 2011

Waiting for my turn. Doctor’s visit. Wearing Tita Mia’s Gift: My romper! Fits me to a T. Mom says in a months time i might outgrow them already. I have huge growth spurts!!!



|| 10:02 PM

August 2, 2011

Dear Tita Mia,

Mommy told me all about you and Tito Ral and your new baby Zeke, and his sister Aggie. I liked mommy’s stories about your adventures. I hope to meet you and your big family soon. Thanks for your gifts. Mom already put them in the laundry so that I can wear them asap.




|| 8:22 PM

August 1, 2011

Hello Everyone,

This is Happy, aka Hippy. We are now en route to Naga City, unfortunately we have no Emilio update for today! We do have a picture of me sleeping in the car.


