365 Days of Adventure!

Come celebrate all my firsts with me! everyday entries from me and my mom and sometimes my older pug dog brothers, happy and buster. we a happy family! :)
documenting my babyhood

Watch out for all my developmental milestones!

My name is Emilio, and this is me, couple of months ago. My very first photo ever! My momma and I will be documenting my life here on blogger. Come celebrate all my firsts with me!
Much Love!

This is my back up for Tumblr Blog

“the happiest baby on the block”
July 2011 August 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011 || 12:01 PM

July 31, 2011


i think you’re looking so much like me as days pass.


your momma


|| 9:25 AM

July 30, 2011

This is me and my “paawa” face. mom and wowa refuse to carry me. they said its become a habit of mine already! i can’t sleep without it anymore. so they are desensitizing me… or they are tryng to. they try and try but fail, cos they still can’t resist my charm!


Friday, July 29, 2011 || 2:19 AM

Today is July 29, 2011


Today was the day your elder brother Juano Emilio passed. Exactly one year from today… I just want you to know about him. We did not get to be with him but we love him just as much.

He is as cute as you, and I bet you two would’ve been the best of friends.

Sometimes God gives us blessings and then takes them away, only He knows the reason. Trust in him cos he will never lead you astray. Remember that everything God does is for our betterment. Juano Emilio is with him now, our very own little angel in heaven. He will be guarding you and protecting you, and loving you… always.

I love you both my darling boys.


This was taken July 10, 2011 Emilio laughing in his sleep :)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 || 10:48 PM



Today is July 28, 2011 here you are mesmerized, watching the mobile go round. another milestone for you my little boy! you never fail to surprise me! -Mommy
|| 10:37 PM



Tuesday, July 26, 2011 || 9:07 PM

Today is July 27, 2011

my 42nd day of existence (outside mommy’s womb)

today my new yaya came to work. actually there are two of them. they seem nice. i hope they really are.

i think wowa wants to take me to another doctor, she said she wants to get a second opinion cos my colds still wont go away. :(



|| 9:04 PM

no amount of words can ever describe how you make my heart swell with happiness.


|| 9:02 PM

This is actually ano “old” photo of me… taken about a week ago…

my momma says this is me being clark kent, sporting a “kiss me” do. :)

so kiss me! mwah!!!


Monday, July 25, 2011 || 10:38 PM

Today is July 26, 2011

Day 41:

This is my wowowowo hermie’s birthday, wowowowo is my great grandfather. mommy tells me he is the bestest ever! she says if she ever finds another man, he wants him to be like my wowowowo.

it’s too sad i will never get to meet him, cos mommy says wowowowo is so busy in heaven being an angel with my older brother Juano Emilio.

I love you both my angels!

(click the right / left arrow on the sides of the photo, to view the complete photo set)


|| 8:59 PM

Dear Emilio,

Here you are still groggy from dramalin :) good boy ka pag nakaantihistamines. U just sleep and sleep :)


Sunday, July 24, 2011 || 10:50 PM

Dear Emilio,

our flight got cancelled due to heavy rains! i’m kinda happy it did. cos i really missed you! 




|| 10:47 PM

so gets ko na yung mga biglang nagbubuklat ng wallet para pakita yung picture ng anak nila, kasi muntik ko ng iwagayway kay manong taxi driver kanina picture ni emilio. hahahahahahhahaha. proud. lols


|| 11:32 AM

July 25, 2011

goodmorning sunshine!
you hardly sleep in your crib anymore. it’s cos i miss you when you’re not beside me.
and truthfully, i’m starting to miss you already… mommy is leaving for manila later (only for a day tho)… I asked wowa to take charge of your photo for tomorrow, let’s see if she can manage to make the camera work!


|| 11:24 AM

Mommy Fail


bubuhatin ko sana sya! but he was in an akward position and too far from the edge! so i rolled him towards me!!!
|| 11:23 AM

bubuhatin ko sana sya! but he was in an akward position and too far from the edge! so i rolled him towards me!!!

Dear Emilio,

Mommy is just a new mommy. Most of the time i don’t know what i am doing and i am just making it up as we go along. Please forgive mommy’s inexpertise!




|| 11:19 AM

kuya buster stole my milk scooper!!!


|| 10:57 AM

July 24 2011

Day 38:
Watched community reruns with mom.
she had what we may call… tvs overload.
need i say more?

know your meme!


|| 10:56 AM


|| 10:55 AM

mommy and tito jr had to make a quick shopping trip cos i ran out of newborn/small diapers.
they bought me books while they were at it… lotsa dr.suess books!!!


|| 10:54 AM

more books!!!


|| 10:53 AM

July 23, 2011

37th Day:
That’s me doing my “tummy time” exercise.
it strengthens my neck and promotes coordination.
Mommy says I am getting better at this, cos I am now starting to crawl! and I am just 37 days! I am an advanced bebe! Smart and strong! well atleast that’s what my mom says!!!

I believe her!


|| 10:51 AM

July 22, 2011

hello, its my 36th day and I.AM.HIGH.
turns out i am allergic to kuya buster :( i got prescribed some antihistamines, and goodness.. am i bangag! you can make all the ruckus in the world and i wouldn’t care less.
okay time to sleep… again…


|| 10:48 AM

July 21 2011

just to get things straight, i am not being a brat here. i just got home from my pedia cos i still got the colds. I’m always stressed when my naps get interrupted. So after the dreaded check up wowa and mommy bought me my very own Woody plush toy.
In this photo… I’m smiling inside, really.
fyi: 35th Day—- Doctor said i’m overweight… i am already 4.1 kilos. Expected weight for a month old is 3.9 kilos. but hey, I’m just heavy, but I am not fat!


|| 10:46 AM

Today is July 20:

hey i’m back, it’s my 34th night tonight and look what i got for being cute! a lil tykes zebra rider! my mommy spoils me sometimes. :) 

can’t wait for my little legs to get plumper and stronger so i can ride those striped babies!!!

vrooooooooooommmmm! or should it be gallop, gallop?


|| 10:44 AM

July 19, 2011

Dear Emilio,
Today is your 33rd Day, or 3rd Day of your second month. My!!! how time flies! When I was still pregnant with you i bought a piggy bank — every pay day i set aside money, also asked wowa and tito jr to put in their loose change, only 5 and 10 peso coins! Soon there was no room left, how quickly we filled it up!

Anyways, i would want both of us to remember this day, The day i opened your first savings account! All the scrimping finally paid off. Know that I always think about your future! You taught me how to be thrifty Emilio! I love you! :)



(click the right / left arrow on the sides of the photo, to view the complete photo set)


|| 10:41 AM

July 17, 2011

31st Day or 1st Day of my 2nd month:
I am getting bigger and heavier, wowa and momma said so.Ii am getting harder to carry, especially for long periods! but i make pa-cute and usually that works, but when they’re tired they try to cheat me and put me on my bouncer instead. it vibrates to imitate their cradling arms, but i cannot be fooled cos after a while i cry… sometimes i’m spoiled… i admit!


|| 10:41 AM

July 18 2011

32nd day or 2nd day of my 2nd month:
Tito and Tita came to visit me. Tita Angee and mommy took this photo and said i looked like I’m planking. I don’t even know what planking is!

They were goofing around and disturbing my precious sleep…
but still, I was glad they came to visit. Tito Emmanuel bought me a can of Nan Pro One! Thanks Tito!!!


|| 7:41 AM


|| 7:41 AM

Happy 1st month my darling baby! Here is your birthday gift from me… a hat. joke! That’s my bra! 

I love you. You just don’t know how much (yet)
I am very excited to get to know you better. Each day i learn something new about you. I can really say you are your own person. Despite everything—- I wouldn’t have you any other way. You have changed my life tremendously. And I am a brand new person because of you. Just to let you know I am very proud to be your mother. 

My love, Happy First Month! :)


|| 7:40 AM

(click the right / left arrow on the sides of the photo, to view the complete photo set)

Today is July 16, 2011

I am one month today! 

-Jedi Emilio


|| 7:39 AM


|| 7:38 AM

Today is July 15th 2011

oh hello my 29th day on planet earth, wowa brought me out in the sun for my bilad, and then the power went out, she said i was sooooooooo masungit cos of the heat. goodie!!! when the lights went back on,  i slept like a… baby… what else?! :)



|| 7:36 AM

July 14th 2011

28th day! My first nail trim. nothing special. i wasn’t scared or anything. i’m a brave babe you know! lola won’t let mommy do the trimming. wowa doesn’t trust mommy, she’s worried mommy can cut me accidentally. like THAT would happen…


|| 7:36 AM

28th Night: dear emilio, pag pagod ako, titingnan lang kita… lalo ako napapagod :) ang sarap-sarap kasi ng tulog mo, gusto ko din matulog. nainggit ako. hahahhahah. anyway you smell like lard today. sleep well jinggabug!


|| 7:35 AM

Today is July 13th 2011

27th Night: Wowa is reading a story about some egg that would not crack.

she reads in different voices too, cos i like it like that.


|| 7:16 AM

the elusive dimple now caught on camera!


|| 6:49 AM

Today is July 12, 2011

Day 27: that’s mommy and i.
mommy is shy cos she said she’s a whale now. but i love whales!!! i told mommy if she is a whale, i’m a little whale then! :)


|| 6:49 AM

That’s Me!!!


|| 6:47 AM

and Today is July 11 2011:

Day 26: 4 days to go and i hit my one month mark! :)
lakas ko drink milk, 4 is to 4 na ako. mommy says she needs to buy new bottles the 11 oz type, cos the 4 oz won’t cut it no more! and soon the 9 oz, kulang na din!


|| 6:45 AM

Today is July 10th 2011

Day 25, mommy says i smell like strawberries and milk, so basically i smell like a strawberry milk shake.

we watched dibo all day, and we had the wiggles “hot potato” on repeat cos it’s my favorite! :)


|| 6:45 AM



|| 6:42 AM

Today is July 9th 2011:

Day 24, midnight: kagigil raw my feet cos parang sa seaweeds…. i can’t sleep so wowa and mommy promised to keep me company or else i will cry.
BUT wowa fell asleep na, mommy and i are watching tvs reruns (prison break). mommy is smitten over wentworth miller, she keeeps telling me that when i get a little bit older i will look like him… sana. hahahahhahahaa. i told mom not to worry, i will be more gwapo thant mr.miller.


|| 6:42 AM

Today is July 9th 2011:

Day 23: Today, all i wanted was to lie on wowa’s chest. i love wowa very much. maybe more than i love mommy… ? i’m just joking, i love them both just the same! but wowa spoils me more! (arte ni wowa! pacute!)


|| 6:41 AM

July 8th 2011:

day 22nd, mommy rushed to national bookstore to get some errands done, while waiting in line she saw the mosquito patch and the very hungry caterpillar book on sale! so she bought me those and she got buster some rawhide sticks too! :) I am 3 weeks today!!! hihihi. happy 3 weeks to me!!!


|| 6:38 AM

Soaking up some Vitamin D!


|| 6:37 AM

July 7th, 2011

21st day!
lookatme! i’m a “daing” today! this is me soaking up some vitamin…. okay i really don’t know what vitamin people get from the sun… D?
anyway i look less orangy as days pass.
but i am still quite red. my skin color is very controversial, mommy wishes i stay reddish or get whiter, wowa likes me to stay tan…
what do you think? would i end up whiter or darker than my skin color now?


|| 6:34 AM

Today is July 6th 2011

day 20!
mommy is so mad at the internet cos she put in the description for this picture and tumblr won’t save it. and now she has to do it again for the umteenth time. and she’s tamad na, anyway…
gosh i am 20 days old in this photo, a few days to go and i am officially one month!!! how time flies, mommy said she wishes i’d grow up na so that she can play with me cos i m so boring raw at this stage.
they started calling me eetcheewarm. (itchyworm) cos i often look like an uod raw. wow, they compared me to an uod, i’m cuter than an uod kaya, diba!?!?


|| 6:31 AM

this was taken a few days ago by my tito Ryan Aspe, hihihihihi!
don’t i look macho!?
mommy and wowa loves the shot!

(click the right arrow, to view the whole photo storyline)


Steam Tent
|| 6:27 AM

are you going with us to the beach yaya nila?
we’re going to camp out hence the kumot over our heads!

wowa held me until i coughed and coughed and cried. after a while i got to sleep na. and then mommy put some vicks on my bib so it’ll help clear out the clog.

i now know what a cold is. and i think i don’t like it. i think it blows! (get it, get it? cold=blows? hihihihi, i’m being clever!)


|| 6:26 AM

day 19th, night: ready ka na ba wowa?
we’re going to the beach! sabi ni doktora ninang!
wag ka na sad, magbibeach na nga tayo eh!


(click the right / left arrow on the sides of the photo, to view the complete photo set)


|| 6:18 AM

Today is July 5, 2011

day 19th: as you can see, i am very cranky, and i haven’t taken a bath yet- i’m wearing my frogsuit from yesterday still, it’s cos i have a cold. :(
i wasn’t able to sleep well last night, i was so congested that i sounded like mr. piggy-snort-a-snort.
wowa cried cos she felt bad about me getting sick. and then mommy cried cos wowa cried. and then i cried cos i wanted more milk.

i’m breaking out—- wowa made mommy mix breastmilk and powder and used it as an ointment for my rash.
you know wowa and her old wives’ tales.


|| 6:16 AM

ayan i pooped tuloy! so much poop that it leaked thru my frogsuit so they changed my outfit na din. that’s me on my changing table, in and out, replenishing what just exited my bodyyyyyyy!


|| 6:15 AM

Today is July 4th!!!

Day 18th: mommy made me wear a hat, wowa says i look like genghis khan, i told em i don’t want a hat but they made me wear it anyways



Happy 4th of July!


I hate hats!
|| 6:14 AM


|| 6:12 AM

17th day: mommy is going ukay, so i should sleep lang daw all day so that my yaya will not have a hard time looking after me.

you see that white haze on my forehead, that’s wowa putting desitin on my rash. mommy says desitin is for my pwet lang, but wowa is mapilit!!!

Today is: July 3rd, 2011


|| 6:09 AM

16th day: waiting for tito Ryan Aspe 

Today is July 2nd 2011:

Tito Ryan is a friend of my Tito Jr, he is a photographer :) I’m getting my photos taken!!! arte!

(click the right / left arrow on the sides of the photo, to view the complete photo set)
