365 Days of Adventure!

Come celebrate all my firsts with me! everyday entries from me and my mom and sometimes my older pug dog brothers, happy and buster. we a happy family! :)
documenting my babyhood

Watch out for all my developmental milestones!

My name is Emilio, and this is me, couple of months ago. My very first photo ever! My momma and I will be documenting my life here on blogger. Come celebrate all my firsts with me!
Much Love!

This is my back up for Tumblr Blog

“the happiest baby on the block”
July 2011 August 2011

August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 || 3:48 PM

7 am. you’re still sound asleep. you’ll prolly wake around 9. 9 am is poopoo time for you.

LOL @ your mohawk!

August 23, 2011
|| 3:47 PM

asleep on your bouncer, that spot on your cheek, thats actually a rash, was a rash, we put ointment on that spot and it looked like it burned your skin. i hope that doesnt scar you forever. :(

Monday, August 22, 2011 || 1:55 PM

mom made 2 back ups for this blog. she’s scared of losing pics AGAIN, this is the 3rd time mom changed laptops. She lost all her photos when her computer bugged down for the Nth time. 
I am also on tumblr, flickr, photobucket and picasa. mom is paranoid! LOL

|| 1:50 PM

this is how high def moms camera is. she loves it, compared to the old lumix, she just needs to learn how to set the f-stop and all that shiz cos she wants that bokeh effect. if anyone out there can help her learn it, you can email her via thebagbar.online@gmail.com! thanks!!!
*photo on auto mode. b/w. no flash. no editing.

|| 1:49 PM

August 22 - 23, 2011
thats me, unretouched, no editing whatsoever. no flash too, and in a low light condition.
mom got her nikon today, and that was her first test shot, she's beaming with excitement. she said i won't go blind anymore! her camera shoots great without flash even in the darkest rooms! experimented with all the settings, her first time to go all manual, she took lots of photos of me, then moved to shooting my bottles, my feet, the tissue paper, her old camera and the dust underneath our bed. she's gone crazy.
now she can't sleep... cos our ipad2 is arriving today, via Air21, c/o Tita Ciara. she's so excitedddddddd! i dont know what the fuss is all about...

mommy said she can’t get any luckier! she said waking up to this every morning is such an indulgence! she doesn’t know i feel very lucky too to have her as my mom. we are both lucked out! -E
Saturday, August 20, 2011 || 10:33 PM


|| 1:06 PM

August 21, 2011

After my birthday dinner, you went back to sleep. actually you fell asleep on your wowas lap while we were all eating.
